
Showing posts from August, 2018

Why do you need an intelligent cloud management platform?

There has been a paradigm shift in how cloud and intelligence capabilities are seen as one element, distinctive enough to change the entire cloud-first game. Most of the enterprises have gone from raising the question, “can we manage our resources efficiently and securely while we continue to adopt cloud?” to making the statement – “We are adopting cloud in order to bring intelligent resource management to practice.” Read More

AWS Security Audit and Best Practices

When you are running your entire or even a part of your IT infrastructure in AWS cloud, it is really important that you ensure, your workloads, applications, the infrastructure as a whole is secured enough to stand security threats... read more

Introducing Anomaly Detection in Centilytics

When you have an infrastructure running in the cloud and a business that needs more of your financial attention, it is quite common to come across cost anomalies due to uncalculated configuration issues internally... read more