
Showing posts from April, 2018

Qualms About a Secure Cloud Management Platform? Centilytics Got You Covered

If you ever thought about security as one of the main pillars in terms of cloud management services, you got that one right. And as far as any fears go, about your data’s safety on our servers, we have got you the perfectly crisp digest to make sure those qualms subside away. Centilytics is a company dedicated to providing quality service for our clients, and we are here to show how secure your data is with us... read more

Cloud Myths 102

A cloud strategy should be in alignment with business goals and expected benefits, which are different for different use cases. Cloud services are vast and go across various levels, models, scope, and applications. Therefore, unlike what is supposed very commonly, it is not necessary to have one cloud strategy. It is said that “Myths are a waste of time, they prevent progression and rightfully so, it is extremely important to get all the facts straight in order to build a strong foundation before you build on the cloud... read more

Cloud Myths 101

“Don’t believe everything you hear” – This statement basically fits in everywhere, even when we talk about cloud computing. A lot of IT personnel fall prey to information which more often than not, come out as either false or incomplete... read more

How to choose the best suitable Cloud?

What could be the finest choice among Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform for your enterprise? Not only comparing prices is not enough when it comes to choosing your cloud vendor, but it is complicated too. Cloud vendors offer a variety of cloud models and separate discounting schemes. AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform lay out various offers with regards to the different use cases... read more

Top mistakes to avoid during Cloud Adoption

“Cloud adoption is easy and secure.”- Really? How easy and How secure? Having said that, no one really wants to spend their time maintaining physical servers and managing their tangled workload when they can use that time to build something profitable. Hence, Cloud Computing comes into the light. It has enabled large enterprises to switch from physical servers to virtual machines entirely. However, migration to the cloud is not as simple as it seems and very often organizations make mistakes along the way which are likely to produce undesirable results... read more

Centilytics: A technical angel in disguise for your cloud

Estimating whether they have enough IT resources to work on a project competently often poses a hurdle for the organizations getting along with the cloud. Hence, capacity planning comes into play as it becomes very evident and important to ensure that IT professionals are able to meet their deadlines... read more

Cloud Cost Management: Hard Work or Smart Work?

In this contemporary world, cloud cost has emerged as a conundrum. Technical gurus have been working their minds off to understand the unexpected hikes, the trends it is going to follow, the best tools for Cloud Cost Management and so on. In hindsight, the amount spent on cloud often comes out to be the most at the end of the year and it is only fair for enterprises that it pays off. However, after spending this lot of money, even a little percentage of cost saved stretches far... read more

Centilytics inscribes a milestone as a StartX Company

It was 2011 when this Stanford graduate, Cameron Teitelman founded an educational nonprofit accelerator called “StartX” with an altruistic twist out of his “nurture-over-nature”. StartX was born out of an experimental project of Teitelman’s that soon became an elite Silicon Valley accelerator providing promising student and alumni entrepreneurs of Stanford with all the resources and support they need to succeed in their ventures and build the next big thing... read more