
Showing posts from December, 2017

Emergence of Cloud Management Tools & Platforms

The only parameter important while migrating to a public cloud is data security. With the emergence of cloud and Cloud Management Tools , the credibility in the security of public cloud increased among users. However, it is not the case with all of the users and on-premises data storage is considered safer by them. This lack of trust is widespread, unfortunately... read more

Put Your Cloud Cost Management & Cloud Cost Optimization Strategies in Place

In order to seek a secure, minimal maintenance option for Cloud Cost Management and Cloud Cost Optimization , enterprises are likely to migrate to the public cloud. A seamless cloud migration strategy with the use of proper Cloud Management Tools and metrics play a crucial role in satisfying the need for an optimum amount and exact type of cloud resources, ensuring an optimum cost at the same time. Migration to a public cloud, although very suitable from cost and maintenance point of view, could disturb the balance of an enterprise’s IT department, with more mergers and acquisitions, making the process even further complicated. Thus, it would need to be managed in a consolidated manner as the organization’s cloud strategy would go haywire with an addition of a number of clouds from different vendors creating a conundrum. Many companies have, in fact, faced this situation and it proved to be a real challenge. A number of company acquisitions, each with their own cloud infrastr...

Tag-Based Reports; Your Cloud Expenses Demystified

The mere thought of tangled, high-expense cloud bills gives us goosebumps, especially when you don’t have the right arsenal to drill into your expensive cloud. In the era of cloud where scalability and agility are not worth compromising, having an in-depth understanding of what and where you are spending is a must... read more

Azure Cost Management; Now A Run-of-the-mill Essential

Evolution in public cloud utilization, to be specific, Azure cloud consumption is expanding significantly as organizations have outdone the obstacles to adoption at the underlying stage. Notwithstanding, the adoption procedure constantly comes across various inept activities internally... read more